This is the inaugural post for my new blog. I was into blogging while training for the Charlottesville 10-Miler Race last year, and when post-race blues hit me right between the eyes and a hip injury side-lined my running, I gave up blogging in a fit of self-pity.
Since the 10-Miler, I have discovered a whole new world of fitness programs that I have come to adore, including strength-training (and no, lifting weights--even HEAVY weights--will NOT bulk you up!!). If you have not explored the Beachbody programs, I urge you to consider looking through the myriad fitness DVDs that Beachbody offers. And no, I am NOT a coach--I get nary a dime from your purchase. I just love the programs. In fact, I doubt that I will ever become a coach because I never want to have a profit motive for recommending a product.
The first BB program I tried was Chalean Extreme (CLX), with Chalene Johnson. Having just come off of a series of Jillian Michaels workouts, I was so relieved to find this program. Don't get me wrong, Jillian is an amazing trainer and I like some of her programs. However, my life dictates that I work out in the pre-dawn hours before the rest of the family rises, so finding a trainer who is uplifting, motivating, and NOT screaming at me drill-sergeant style was a definite plus for me. And strength training was quite an ego boost--I saw results from this program almost immediately--just three weeks into it my husband noticed some pretty cool definition in my shoulders, back and arms--enough so that he soon got hooked on CLX as well.

Next came TurboFire, and while I love CLX, I ADORE TurboFire! I have read reviews in which people complain about not getting the moves right away--okay, so it takes a few times to really feel like you know what you're doing--GET OVER IT!! Once you get the hang of these moves, these workouts are total calorie burners. The best part? There are like a gazillion different workouts so you NEVER get bored (and if you do the CLX program you'll get the "gazillion" reference!). I haven't counted the workouts, but trust me there are a bundle of them. And if you do a CLX/TF hybrid, you are mixing the best of these two programs and you will see FANTASTIC results--both strength and cardio. Do you know what a HIIT workout is? High Intensity Interval Training. I'm sure you've heard of this if you have been around fitness in the past 2 years or so. Amazing stuff. You really can rev up your metabolism.

After the hybrid my workout buddy (a tremendous friend and fitness partner I met through My Fitness Pal, who keeps me motivated and focused!) and I decided to go to South America ... not really, but we ordered Brazil Butt Lift and once again we were totally awed by the quality of the workout we got with our new friend Leandro! Ever tried the pencil test? Okay, this gets a bit personal, but here's how it works. Take a pencil and place it horizontally under one of your "cheeks" (yeah, THAT cheek). Does it stay there? If so, you have FAILED the test. Your behind is saggy and needs some work. Put yourself in Leandro's capable hands and within a short time you will soon pass this test. It took me 4 weeks. These routines are fun and tough all at the same time, and again BB has found a very uplifting, motivating instructor to get your BUM BUM into top form. You'll even learn a couple of phrases in Portuguese!!

The most recent acquisition in my Beachbody library is Hip Hop Abs with the super cool Shaun T. These moves are so fun you won't even realize you've burned so many calories. And no, you do not need to have any type of dance skills or even a taste for hip hop music. I'm in my mid-40s, totally uncool (just ask any of my three children), but I have the best time working my abs to this stuff. Oh yeah, there's Lisa doing the Flava Jam at 5:30 in the morning while everyone else is sound asleep!
So now I'm about to branch out, away from Beachbody. Not for long--Workout Buddy and I are on our second round of CLX (not counting the hybrid), but for my cardio I'm about to reenter the world of running. Sort of. More like the world of JUMPING. Yeah, I've done it now, I've ordered those freaky, fun KANGOO JUMPS! They arrived at the house yesterday, and my initial jumping around in the basement went well (in other words, no furniture or bones were broken). Now I'm ready to road test those bad boys, so despite some unseasonably cool temps in the morning, I'm hitting the road with my Kangoos. The hardest part, besides just remaining vertical, will be facing the stares of passersby. Never one to seek the spotlight, this will be a test of my newly found resolve of not giving a fig what my neighbors or just random strangers driving by might think of seeing this middle-aged woman hopping down the road on freaky looking boots.
We'll see how it goes ... in the meantime, HAPPY FITNESS, EVERYONE!